Yorkshire Occupational Health & Wellbeing

Health Promotion

What is the aim of Health Promotion?

An unhealthy lifestyle may contribute to ill health, absence due to sickness, productivity loss at work, and reduced ability to work. Workplace health promotion initiatives aim to improve lifestyle and consequently improve health, work ability, and work productivity.

getting fitWhy should I invest in a workplace Health Promotion?

Most people in employment spend 60% of their waking hours in work…the workplace is a great place to promote the benefits of enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle. The main reasons for investing in workplace health promotion initiatives are:

  • Corporate social responsibility; improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large
  • Competition; in an increasingly competitive labour market there is more pressure on employers to distinguish themselves in order to attract and keep quality staff
  • High costs; for some it has become clear that, unless an initiative is introduced, the costs of sickness absence could threaten the business itself (Black 2008)

Workplace health is a significant public health issue. Each year more than a million working people in the UK experience a work-related illness leading to 27 million lost working days costing an estimated £13.4 billion

How can I assess what Health Promotion activities / initiatives I need to implement?

We will work with you to assess the needs of both your organisation and employees through a needs assessment approach.

This will then drive your health promotion activities. Alternatively, we can offer a range of more general health promotion activities which are useful for all individuals. These include lifestyle checks, blood pressure and cholesterol checks to name but a few.

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